GExperts Bugfixes

The Unicode issues in GExperts just don’t end. Today I fixed three of them:

procedure bla;
  SomeVar := 3245;
  // german description with some äöüß to SomeVar
  SomeVar := 123;

  SomeQuery.FieldByName('GermanWordWithäöüß').AsString := 'some value';

(Yes, I know, this doesn’t compile.)

  • Move the cursor to the first occurrence of SomeVar and press Ctrl+Alt+Down. The cursor jumps to the middle of the next Occurrence of SomeVar instead of the start of the identifier.
  • Move the cursor to the opening parenthesis after FieldByName and press Ctrl+Alt+Right. The cursor moves to somewhere in AsString rather than the closing parenthesis.
  • Move the cursor to the closing parenthesis and press Ctrl+Alt+Left. You get the error that AsString is not a valid delimiter

They were caused by the two byte UTF-8 characters in the respective lines which threw off the column index.

And if that wasn’t enough I also fixed some bugs in the Grep history list which could cause an Access Violation, infinite loop or wrong check marks in the Open dialog.

All these were reported by Konstantin Tkachenko who also included some patches which fixed them. Unfortunately he could only test them in Delphi 2010 so they worked for Delphi 2007+ but not for Delphi 6 and 7. They were valuable nonetheless. Thanks Konstantin!

Also, Achim Kalwa, who already contributed quite a few patches to GExperts, sent me some more this week:

  • Remove the ugly “(S+C+x)” suffixes in the Project Options dialog and replace them with a hint.
  • Sort the component names by tab order in the Copy Component Names expert.
  • Shortcuts for Add/Remove/Default buttons in the Editor Popup menu configuration dialog as well as sorting the list of experts alphabetically.